Spotlight Saturday: Juronel Smalling

Welcome back to the Women in Tech Caribbean’s Spotlight Saturday series, where we share the stories of our multifaceted members. Today’s spotlight is on Juronel Smalling, a lawyer and certified information privacy manager (IAPP).  As a proud Jamaican who has also lived and practiced in various Eastern Caribbean countries, Smalling embodies a rich blend of Caribbean legal expertise and cultural diversity.

Reliable and adaptable are two words that Juronel uses to describe herself as these are traits that she values in both personal and professional spheres. As a lawyer, her ability to manage others' affairs with integrity and trust underscores her approach to legal practice. From a young age, Juronel was drawn to the idea of defending those who couldn’t defend themselves. Observing unfair interactions, she was motivated to become a lawyer to champion the rights of the vulnerable. Her interest in information privacy was a natural progression, driven by the evolving landscape of data usage and protection in the modern world. 

According to Smalling, a career in information privacy law revolves around knowing the rights and obligations of all parties involved in data handling. She emphasizes having a strong understanding of the dynamic needs of data subjects, controllers, and processors as this knowledge is essential for providing comprehensive legal advice. The field requires a thorough understanding of regional and international data protection laws, which vary significantly, and although it is rewarding, working in the information privacy sector comes with its own set of challenges. Juronel points out that data protection laws are relatively new in the Caribbean, resulting in a lower demand for specialized lawyers. Additionally, cultural attitudes towards privacy often diminish the perceived importance of data protection. However, to overcome these challenges, she dedicates herself to educating others about the critical nature of privacy rights and obligations. The most rewarding aspect of her work is achieving a sense of fairness for her clients. Each case presents a unique scenario, and the satisfaction of helping clients navigate their legal challenges keeps her motivated. 

When asked about her work-life balance, Smalling shared that although maintaining a work-life balance in the legal profession is subjective and fluctuates, she finds balance by embracing the perspectives that "Youth is wasted on the young" and "You will never be any younger than you are now." These adages remind her to seize opportunities and live fully, regardless of her busy schedule. Juronel encourages girls and women interested in information privacy to pursue skills in this area, highlighting its growing importance in the modern world. She advises not to limit oneself geographically when marketing skills, suggesting a broader, more global approach in order to achieve success in the industry.

Juronel’s story is a testament to the impact of perseverance, education, and adaptability in navigating the legal landscape, particularly in the field of information privacy. For those interested in learning more about Juronel and her work, she can be reached through her website Beyond the Robe, via telephone at 1-876-315-5027, or on Instagram at @beyondtherobe. 


Jamaica’s Data Protection Act