Spotlight Saturday: Kirstin Sylvester

We are back with another Spotlight Saturday, and today we feature Kirstin Sylvester - a former optometrist who is now a woman in tech! Kirstin is from Trinidad and Tobago, and describes herself as a curious, well-rounded person who loves to learn and “relishes the opportunity to step out of her comfort zone.” She says, “I am not a fan of monotony and enjoy shaking things up every once in a while.” She is creative and enjoys expressing herself through music, sewing, art and baking.

Kirstin entered the tech industry with a non-traditional background as she started her career in optometry and pivoted to Data Science. When asked about her journey to transition into tech, she stated, “In my previous career as an optometrist, I got to a point where I realised I needed a change. The repetitive nature of the job was not fulfilling my desire for growth and change. I started hearing more about the tech industry and was intrigued by the fast pace, constant evolution and the potential for flexible working arrangements. Having really enjoyed Mathematics in my undergrad career I thought that pursuing Data Science could be a great fit for me. I decided to take the leap and apply to UWI’s MSc in Data Science. This led me to dive headfirst into the world of data, and I haven’t looked back since.” Apart from Kirstin’s desire to pursue a career that embraces change, she was also drawn to Data Science because in this field, there are multiple potential solutions to address the same problem, which she finds exciting.

As a Master’s student and working professional, Kirstin never has a dull moment. Her days are often jam-packed with full-time work, attending lectures, studying, and occasionally planning events for a young adult group that she coordinates. Her schedule is always packed, but with her level of determination, she manages to balance everything effectively. Although she is still a Data Science student with a full plate, Kirstin underscored the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. She shared, “I have found that categorizing tasks by level of energy and focus required has been helpful in ensuring that I can still accomplish tasks when feeling tired or uninspired. Additionally, scheduling time for rest and recreation has been vital.” This shows that even with all the amazing things she is doing, she still chooses to prioritize rest which is extremely important for busy professionals to keep being productive!

While managing her regular schedule, she also found the time to compete in Stanford’s Women in Data Science Datathon. She described the experience as “challenging but rewarding” as her team was a group of beginners, yet they emerged victorious by winning the first place award among the local teams and ranking in the top 10% of participants overall! As a new tech professional with a non-traditional background, Kirstin is no stranger to the imposter syndrome, but her recent success at this datathon has boosted her confidence and helped her to overcome the doubts that she had experienced when this journey began. Everyone’s path to technology comes with its own set of challenges, and Kirstin noted that when she made the decision to pursue her Master’s degree in Data Science, she did not have significant programming experience. This was an uphill battle, but her will to succeed drove her to enroll in short courses, watch tutorials and participate in hackathons to improve her skills and gain more practical experience. As she prepares for a full-time career in Data Science, Kirstin is actively working on building a portfolio of projects that illustrate her capabilities and highlight her strengths.

To girls and women interested in pursuing a similar career, Kirstin’s advice is, “Take the leap and go for it. Even if you are scared, do it scared. Imposter syndrome can be a hindrance, but don’t let it prevent you from trying new things. It is also important to have a carefully chosen support system in place to provide mentorship, guidance and encouragement.”

To connect with Kirstin Sylvester, and learn more about her and her data science journey, follow her on social media!

Instagram:  @k_s_data

LinkedIn: Kirstin Sylvester


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