Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Spotlight Saturday: Juronel Smalling

Welcome back to the Women in Tech Caribbean’s Spotlight Saturday series, where we share the stories of our multifaceted members. Today’s spotlight is on Juronel Smalling, a lawyer and certified information privacy manager (IAPP).  As a proud Jamaican who has also lived in various Eastern Caribbean countries, Smalling embodies a rich blend of Caribbean legal expertise and cultural…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Spotlight Saturday: Marie Reid

Today’s spotlight is on one of the Caribbean’s most dynamic professionals who is making waves in the EdTech industry. Known for her light-hearted nature and creative problem-solving skills, Marie Reid, originally from Jamaica, is the founder of EduLearn Connect - an EdTech organization based in The Bahamas.  Marie’s educational journey led her to study communications and…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Spotlight Saturday: Kirstin Sylvester

We are back with another Spotlight Saturday, and today we feature Kirstin Sylvester - a former optometrist who is now a woman in tech! Kirstin is from Trinidad and Tobago, and describes herself as a curious, well-rounded person who loves to learn and “relishes the opportunity to step out of her comfort zone.” She says, “I am not a fan of monotony and enjoy shaking…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Spotlight Saturday: Kemoy Kayan

The Women in Tech Caribbean Community takes pride in giving our members a platform to share their stories. In today’s spotlight, we introduce Kemoy Kayan – the leading Cultural Commerce Strategist in the Caribbean, who is of Jamaican heritage. Kemoy describes herself as an “Audacious Leader, Equity Advocate, Customer First Thinker, Lover of Caribbean

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Spotlight Saturday: Sara Bernard

Meet Sara Bernard – a reflective, strategic, analytical, and future-focused woman from Trinidad and Tobago. Sara has years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry, and a BSc in Chemical and Process Engineering. She took a calculated risk and transitioned into the tech field where she is now building her legacy and creating impactful solutions in her home

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Spotlight Saturday: Sowmya Thottambeti

Our first Spotlight Saturday gives us an opportunity to learn more about one of our Women in Tech Caribbean members, Sowmya Thottambeti. She hails from The Bahamas and describes herself as a vivacious, free-spirited woman, a highly sociable introvert and an adrenaline junkie at heart. Sowmya’s professional background is in software and data engineering.

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